Burak Delier
Parkalynch (Tersyön) Installation, parkalynchs, poster, Parkalynch manual, video, 10th.Istanbul Biennial 2007 (Photo Credit: Serkan Taycan)
Tersyön (Reversedirection) is a fictionnal company founded by Burak Delier.
Tersyön Manifesto
Tersyön knows history is the history of winners. The valid values of the system are the values of those who sail before the subtlest and most barbarian violence.
Tersyön confronts life and consumption values imposed through violence and oppression from above with the burning knowledge of those below. Against this giant which exploits all economic, cultural and social values, it acts to protect and strengthen the vulnerable, the downtrodden, the neglected, the one that belongs to no one.
Tersyön tries to overcome this giant not by confronting it face to face but with its own weapon. It places what has been excluded from history and life in the centre of society, bringing it in secretly from the back door. Instead of destroying society’s present forms of production, consumption, interaction and exchange, it aims to reinterpret them, to reverse their flow and to stretch them until they break.
Tersyön says “No!” to the valid values of the system and designs and produces equipment which protects those who want to defend their subjective and local values and those who attempt to write history in reverse against the clandestine and open violence of the consumption-focused pseudo-democracy of neo-liberalism and nationalism.